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Friday, June 2, 2023

Wall Building, Merangasse 70/Ground floor, MR 33.0.010, 8010 Graz Bus 63, stop Nibelungengasse

DAY 2 – Friday, June 2, 2023


cancelled Heiko Feldner, Cardiff
cancelled New Utopian Realism.


Coffee Break


Art exhibition and discussion
Hannes Priesch: Hotel Abyss - Grund_Abgrund
Talk with Hannes Priesch, Katia Huemer (Kunsthaus Graz) and Stefan Baumgarten.

12:30 –14:00

Lunch Break


Daniela Holzer, Graz
Negative and Radical Thinking in Educational Science. Rethematizing Unyielding Critical Theory.


Rodrigo Duarte, Belo Horizonte
Oswald de Andrade’s Anthropophagy as a Model of Radical Thought.


Coffee Break


Stefan Gandler, Querétaro
Emancipation of Use-value in the Critical Theory from the Americas.


Art performance and discussion
Sarah Pogoda:
Adornos Nos. Grazing Graz.

Conference organizing team

Telefon:+43 316 380 - 2411 (Verena Sailer)
Mobil:+43 316 380 - 2666 (Barbara Hinterplattner)

Univ.-Prof. Dr.phil.

Stefan Baumgarten

Institut für Theoretische und Angewandte Translationswissenschaft

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr.

Susanne Kogler

Institut für Kunst- und Musikwissenschaft

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